can power cable help cure static problem?

I have had an ongoing problem with static with my audio system which is in living room where wide screen television also is.

It is a bit odd because static only comes out of 1 of the speakers. I switched around the mono amps and then the static came out of the other speaker so I know the problem is not the speakers. I performed other tests to eliminate the possibility that the problem is the preamp or cd player.

The static started after getting the television so its not a coincidence. I have moved the amps as far from the television as possible. The outlet for the audio equipment is on separate outlets than the television and tivo device.

Based upon these simple acts, the static does not seem to occur unless the television is on while the stereo is on. For instance, I listen to a cd with the volume of the tv turned off.

Can anyone recommend anything to try to eliminate the problem when both the tv and stereo are on.

The television power cable cannot be changed since it is permanently connected to the tv.

Thoughts I had include:

I could put an aftermarket power cord on the tivo device.

I could also upgrade the power strip I used for the video components from monster cable to some other product. The tv cord will not reach the outlet directly.

I could upgrade the outlets to hospital grade outlets.

any ideas would be appreciated?



lamm 2.2 mono amps
emmlabs dac and cdsd transport
purist dominus interconnect cable
audience au24 speaker cable
Mea culpa, Ngsarch :-( but I'll wager it's that tube that's the cause of the noise.
thanks for the input......the static is a quick short burst....its not a hum it more like a short crackle of static....I used the earth ground and it did not make a difference.....

I will recommend to lamm that they supply me with a new output tube since its been less than a year since I bought it. It can' hurt.
Michael, one more time: the (single) tube in each of your amps is NOT an output tube. If you want to see if it could be one of these single tubes in one of the amps, then just leave the amps im place and swap the tubes. You'll know quick enough.

If it IS one of the tubes, then have Lamm send you TWO new ones, and keep the old good one for a spare. The tubes are not matched as far as I can tell, but you'd be better off with two the same age and from the same production run.
Sounds like your TV is interfering somehow with the signal since you mention it's only a problem when the TV is on. It could be some dirty AC. Do you have a power conditioner of some kind? Something that gives clean AC could help your issues.
I will try swapping the tubes as was suggested thanks....tonite I noticed the static even when the tv was off albeit the tivo is always running and so is the directv
