Best speaker cable for audio physic padua speakers

I am currently own a pairs of AP padua (bright speaker). These speakers are great, clean, strong mid and high range. But I am dis....about low range (lack of bass). Someone told me that it might be speaker cable. I upgraded many s. cables:
Cardas Golden cross
Harmonix hs101
Tara labs the one
XLO limit
MIT 750
All cables would not help much warmth sound. are anyone having same problems? Is it due to speaker cables? and is which s.cable out there can help to improve the bass?
I agree, cables arn`t the answer. I would look at your amp, and get somthing with a little more bloom and warmth at the lower end.
I use a 35w valve amp, and have no shortage of bass.
I agree with Camadeco. Bass requires lots of energy which tube amps being voltage device tends to be weak in this area. Even with solid state amps, I was missing lowest octave below 40hz but corrected this problem when I got dedicated 20 amp isolated ground circuit for each of my amplifiers. So, before you look at subwoofer to correct your problem, get your fundamentals right.
I get superb results from Shunyata speaker cables with my AP Avanti Centuries.

You probably know this already but it bears repeating: placement is critical with Audio Physic speakers. The AP nearfield guidelines are pretty much on the mark - at least to get started. Gauge your current setup versus those guidelines before you look to buy a solution. Here's the link: Principles and Techniques of Speaker Placement
