great hdmi cable....archives

looking for a great hdmi cable for the pioneer elite 1130 plasma....couldn't find much in the archives, but maybe i missed it...can spend a couple hundred bucks...thanks, brent
HDMI is pretty new.
The choices are few.
I have a common Audioquest 2 HDMI
Kimber, Monster are other known choices
Just remember the connection 'talks' from the sender to the receiving end. So always turn on the sender AFTER the receiver end is on and to the right selection the FIRST TIME. (Or anytime the connection is disconnected or the units are unplugged.) or you will have trouble.
The greatest difference in picture quality is a good powerline conditioner. IMO.
elizabeth- meaning turn on the tv first and then the dvd player, did i get that right? and thank you for your recommendations....i have everything plugged into the shunyata hydra for conditioning... Great prices and their cables are as good as any others.