Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?

Can a component such as cables,amps etc after complete breaking in reverse themself to become unbroken-in again ?
Cardas states that after break in do not move the cables, does this means that if they are moved the cables will return to their original form ?
Thank you for any facts about this matter.
Tvad, I think you mean capacitors will hold a charge for the better part of a day but take only milliseconds to become charged.
Nope. I meant what I wrote, and I was simply passing along what I have been told by two amplifier manufacturers and one power conditioner manufacturer within the past six months. I'm assuming they know what they're talking about since they're professionals. If not, don't shoot me...I'm just the messenger.
Tvad, they are incorrect. Very easy to demonstrate by connecting an electrollytic cap to a power supply for a second or two. Disconnect it, short the two ends with a screwdriver and watch the sparks fly. Back in my Air Force days a common practical joke in maintenance shops was to charge up a big ol cap and sit it on the bench for the unsuspecting rookie and have him install it in a power supply.
Well, Timrhu, I guess the moral to your story is that some of the designers and manufacturers of the equipment we (I) buy don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Their gear sure sounds good, though...and it sounds better after a day of being powered up.
Timrhu you cruel bugger! -We still do this at our shop, and, I have discovered, that you can even zap a non-rookie, simply by throwing it at him while walking by. People, like dogs, like to catch things.

I wonder if there is two aspects to all this capacitor stuff:
1)The capacitor simply charges, stores, then releases said charge. (O.K., this is true of a capacitor from initial start up- either it works or it doesn't)
2)Is there a possibility that there is a settling in time/period for the capacitor, or the parts that make up the capacitor, in effect making for a better catalyst?
In other words, is there something happening on a very small level (molecular) that will allow for better delivery, storage, and release of this energy? Consider it conditioning, break-in, what ever.

On to the main topic, I believe that there might not really be another real break-in, as opposed to a re-conditioning. I don't consider the effect of break-in to be lost -broken in is broken in -but, I do belive that conditionig is also real.

To make my self clearer, let's consider that a car engine sufficiently broken in at 5,000 kms still requires a warm up period to reach optimal performance, no?
2)Is there a possibility that there is a settling in time/period for the capacitor, or the parts that make up the capacitor, in effect making for a better catalyst?
In other words, is there something happening on a very small level (molecular) that will allow for better delivery, storage, and release of this energy? Consider it conditioning, break-in, what ever.
This is the effect that was explained to me.