I got some of the ic3 in balanced and rca and they just amaze me.They have me replacing some high end cables. Has anyone found them to sound good
The audiophile cable market is overcrowded. Plenty of good stuff already: neutral, not neutral, expensive, inexpensive.

Stop with the new cables already. High end audio needs a new cable like the paper industry needs a new folded napkin.

FWIW, IMO, Amen, All Praise to Allah.

they are not saying they are the holy grail of cabledom just a great sounding cable that some claim have bested their much more expensive cables at an affordable cost that a lot of us music lovers on a budget can enjoy.
all i know is that it makes my system sound awefully good nand i can now save up money for other upgrades.
Agreed. Flavor of the month is passe'. It's now flavor of the day; soon to be hour.
Find some odd cable. make some interconnects. Give them to your friends. Sell the on the goN' get some rave posts, sell some more. Get them reviewed. Get them reviewed by Stereophile. Become wealthy.
That is the idea anyway.
Incredibly low overhead. Startup dream.
Plenty of cable makers started that way. Plenty more folks want too... and even more are out there searching for the "Get rich" scheme that will make them rich.
Cables are as good as any other scheme.
All you need is a small bit of work, some luck, and the money will FLOW.
(Hopefully in! not out...)
I could make a few cables and start selling them....
(Dollar signs float before my eyes$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
Hmmm no, too much like that new napkin.
I have a pair of the IC-3's and they are certainly well made cables that are a dramatic improvement over what you can get at retail stores. I'm using combinations of these and Van den Hul (bought used).