Serious hum problem. Help

Long time no post...

I just moved, and hooked up my system to my housemate's television. The TV gets its cable signal directly from outside- ie through an RF cable, no cable box. Whenever I plug the RF cable into the TV, the hum is awful. Changing the input on the amp or switching cables out makes no difference. I bought a new, shielding RF cable, but it didn't help at all.

Any ideas?

i had the same problem and eliminated it at no extra cost to me. i used the power conditioner's (power strip's) coaxial "in" and "out" between the wall and the cable box. i suppose you need this coaxial feature on your strip or conditioner, but it works for little or no money. maybe it is grounded separately. dunno.
revision on that last comment. i too have comcast digital cable and there is a problem transfering information when using the power conditioner's coax in and out. back to the drawing board. the mcm product looks like the best option.
Fickle75, I understand from some other members' posts that if you have HD cable, that most of the cable ground isolators won't pass the HD signal ;--(( Bummer!

As for the "coaxial "in" and "out" between the wall and the cable box" it depends on the particular power conditioner unit. In most of them, the "coaxial in and out" just runs the cable signal thru a filter, but it doesn't really isolate the ground, so hum is still created due to the ground loop thru the cable system.