why the PC change the tonal on my gears.

I bought a couple brand new Prelude PCs and decided to use one on my intergrated amp. The whole system is fairly new and the sound is clean and a little bright and sharp on vocal but extremely details in the high with this PC. After A/B switching speakers, intergrated,CDP with the same ICs ( Hero) and the same PC,the sound still not the way it was ( warm, open and a little on the dark side), I switch back to the stock PC and the system sounds just the way I wanted. I don't believe in PCs effects the sound that much but I now I see PCs can actually alter the tonal of my gears. Any thoughts anyone?
I was a non-believer at first too. Now the differences power cords make amaze me. As you say, not always an improvement either. The differences I am now hearing in p/c's still has me shaking my head. From being a non-believer 5 years ago, now I think power cords impact the sound of the system more than interconnects or speaker cables do.

Jmcgrogan2, I read one of your other thread and one of the poster suggested 700 hrs breaking-in for his PCs. Does PC really need time to break-in? Please, give me your feedback. I am kind of like the clean and clear with authority sound of the Prelude PCs ( good price and well-built too )just a little sharp glare in midrange and the highs is kind of too much in details and a little forwarding. I have problem listen to Diana Krall ( All for you dedicated to FN) with the Prelude while it seems very nice with the stock PC. I don't believe in either voodoo or snake oils but if after a break-in time these Prelude PCs smooth out, I will be happy to keep them in my systems. I guess my question is " does PC need break-in time or it is a myth? Thanks
Yes, power cords need break-in time like anything else. Attach it to a refrigerator or freezer for two weeks of running time. That should smooth things out and/or you will know approximately the potential of the cord.