
I ordered a pair of Jade Audio cables (Vermeil version, not the Golden one) from Audiogon member Jadem6, who offers a one month return guarantee.

I was wondering wether other Audiogon members already tried and/or bought these new DIY cables.

I read the review made by JD himself, but ofcourse I'm curious to hear the comment of buyers/users.

Osgorth - Unfortunately my system was down for 3 weeks as I had many cables out on loan to two different parties. Some of these got sold; the rest returned late last week. Only this last week have I been able to replace some to have music again.

This last weekend, I did some serious comparisons of the Indra vs. the Hybrid; I like both of these. Since my last writing to this thread, I have removed the Rives PARC. And I have changed to a "suped up" APL Denon CDP. Both of these opened up the frequency extremes, and significantly improved the system's resolution. With the speakers another 18" out into the room, the degree at which the Hybrid outperforms the Indra in the soundstage depth and layering is more dramatic than I observed before.

The Hybrid is incredible in how it fleshes out the mids and conveys space, especially depth and out to the corners. There are greater dynamic contrasts here as well. The Indra has a top-end extension and clarity that is first rate and never bright nor fatiguing. That last bit of structure and sheen to percussion instruments is very impressive, and this allows those highest of harmonics to float a bit longer ..... very nice. I have no issue with either cable in the low frequencies.

Returning back to the Hybrid and I am aware of the slight reduced detail on the top, but you gotta love the 3D projection of this cable. Ideally, I would like a cable right in between. A mix and match might be the way to go for some systems.

This week I have loaned out the Indra but I now feel I have a good handle on the sound of these two cables. There is one more IC I want to hear and then I am done! When this happens, I will report back on my findings. Unfortunately I have to repeat this painful process to find an XLR IC between the Aesthetix pieces. I have spent way too much time evaluating cables and trying a ton of different tubes in the preamp and amps, that it's time to lock down the system for no more changes. There are so many cables out there to try, but sooner or later, we have to be content and focus again on the music.

Tbg - If you find you have a little free time, borrow a Dream State PC or two or three or four. 8-)

Thanks for your detailed replies!

Jafox, yes I know the Indra is a very nice IC indeed. Did you ever try the Gabriel Gold Revelation IC? I have heard of some people replacing their Indras with that one, quite intriguing. I have one myself, but RCA only, in my headphone rig where it works really well. My main system works much better with balanced connections so I haven't tried it much there. I might get some XLRs to play with, we'll see! This is the cable that got me into the gold stuff, and now I'm eager to try more! I also have a set of Audio Metallurgy cables coming in shortly I hope, that'll be fun to test.

I'm currently evaluating the new Synergistic Tesla stuff - I have a set of the Precision Reference cables at home right now and they are not too bad at all.. Very quick and detailed, reminds me of Valhalla a bit, but more body. I'm gonna try the Apex too when I can find one, I think that'll be better with some added warmth. Did you ever try any of these two?

The 3D projection you speak of with the Hybrid caught my interest.. You would say that these excel in imaging and soundstaging then? That could well be my cable then, I treasure those aspects highly. I'm listening a lot to opera and classical, and my aim is to get a natural reproduction, with life-like voices (midrange).

I'm also curious as to what the last IC you're going to test is - care to elaborate? :)
Jafox, It is difficult for me to want to try the Dream State cords, as I don't like Oyaide plugs or ERS paper. Maybe some time I will get the chance. I guess by what you say you think the Dream States are in the same league with the Stealth Dreams. That is hard to believe.
Hi Osgorth, I have gotten a lot of email inquiries about many things lately. For now I prefer to hold off and not disclose the cable to soon be auditioned. If I get it soon, and run it 4-5 days straight, by next weekend I can do an evaluation to the Hybrid and report back here.

As you can tell, the 3D aspects are more important to me than the last word in detail. This is entirely why I run with the Aesthetix products. So my results will be influenced heavily in this regard.

I have not heard of Audio Metallurgy cables. And at one time I considered Synergistic cables but my system was a rat's nest already with cables. The thought of several more small cables to power these cables would have been too messy. If someone local (Minneapolis) had these or any other they wanted to try out in my system, that would be fine, but for now, the thought of continuing this cable quest has lost its appeal to me. I like the Jade and Stealth cables that much.

Tbg - I find the Stealth Dream PCs to be the greatest value of PCs so far to cross my path. However, the Dream State PCs are quite impressive as well. I would not let the materials used in these get in the way of a home trial.

I currently own a pair of the Hybrid (RCA) and two balanced pairs of the Vermeil. I also own a pair of the Audio Metallurgy GA-0's (RCA) and a pair of Gabriel Gold Revelation speaker cables, as well as some PAD Dominus speaker cables. I've also had a pair of Gabriel Gold Extreme interconnects on loan recently for a couple of weeks. I've also recently demo'd a pair of the new Vermeil speaker cables. I placed an order. As you can see, I also have fallen for cables that use gold in the conductors.

I concur with all of what Jafox has stated, regarding the Hybrid, The staging is amazing with all of the Jade cables. That is why I prefer them. Though it is difficult for me to compare the Hybrid straight up with the Vermeil because of my system setup. I run the Hybrid from phono stage to preamp. However, I need a two meter balanced run from preamp to amp, so for the sake of cost, I went with the Vermeil cables here. The Gabriel Gold Extreme/Revelation are also very good cables, and to be honest, I could live very happily with them had I not heard the Jade cables. Tonally the Gabriels are very impressive indeed. Possibly even better than the Jade, on certain music. I would say they sound similar tonally, the Gabriel's are slightly quicker, while the Jade's tend to sound slightly richer. They both do brass instruments with incredible natural 'shimmer'. The Jade's win out with the 3-D soundstaging though, IMHO. It's not like the Gabriel's have a faulty soundstage, they just can't match the soundstage of the Jade, but then my PAD Dominus cables cannot match the 3-D stage of the Jade cables either.

The Audio Metallugy GA-0's are very good cables, especially considering their prices. I would have to put the GA-0's in the 'best bang for the buck' category. They are not as refined and rich as the Jade cables, nor quite as clean and crisp as the Gabriels, but they do get you close for a fraction of the price. I currently am using them to run from my DVD player into my preamp.
