How to eliminate noise in IC's?

I'm running 4.5 Meter lenghts of Vampire unbalanced IC's with RCA connectors. I get a buzz out of the speakers. When I lift the ground to my Parasound JC-1's the buzz isn't as loud but still there. In my set-up I need to keep the IC lenght. I tried a balanced IC and the noise stops. The only problem is my preamp is only single ended. one of my questions is will a single ended out of the preamp to a Balanced XRL into the amp eliminate the buzz? Any other solutions would also be helpful.
Try another single-ended cable. You should not be getting any noise from a 4.5 meter run.
Hum level depends a lot on the system and installation, including "noise sources" in your area. It might just be the case that in your situation you need a shielded cable for such a long run. Check if that Vampire set is shielded before you start writing checks...
You ought to be able to use four and a half meter unbalanced interconnects without noise problems. Perhaps there is a wiring problem with your interconnects. Use of an XLR connector will not help since the interconnection will still be unbalanced. Try connecting only one cable and see what happens.

If you were talking about forty five meters, balanced lines would be appropriate.