Nordost vs. Transparent...which is better?

Is one company much better than the other? Which do you recommend with a McIntosh tube integrated MA2275, Mac SACD player, and Sonus Faber Guareri speakers? thank you
Nordost Valhalla, one of the best cable sonically on the world market cable today.
i bought the valhalla digital cable second-hand and have no regrets. it is an amazing cable that just allows my system to sing. done for now!!
i hate to say that cables make a difference in audio. but i've to admit they do. my system is mcintosh MCD500, preamp C48, amp MC302 and cremona auditor M.

before my use of nordost heimdall 2 power cords to preamp and amp, i use REL 328 sub to complement (for lack of better words) if i feel the need for some additional bass.

the c48 has an equalizer (hopefully the purists dont curse by me saying this); before the heimdalls, i often tweaked it to be with more treble as well.

once the heimdalls are in, i rarely use the sub! the bass and treble feel just right. my listening room is 4m x 4m. and the highs seem to be extended, more detail and even non-audiophile redbook CDs sound great (taylor swift, radiohead, and many others). so i agree that nordost's higher priced cables to be more revealing but "unforgiving" is not a term i would use.

i paid US$ 2,000 for both PCs but am not regretting it.

i am very sure others' experience will differ, but am a happy owner.

i was told that heimdall 2 has 90% of valhalla's performance (whatever that means) but for now i can only afford the former.

let's enjoy the music!
Not sure if the OP still uses Guarneri's, but IMHO one of the very best cables for these speakers is Nordost. The cables are lightning fast and the speakers respond beautifully to them.
I use Frey's and also Red Dawn 11's; both are superb and a BIG improvement over the Cardas that I used to use.