Nordost vs. Transparent...which is better?

Is one company much better than the other? Which do you recommend with a McIntosh tube integrated MA2275, Mac SACD player, and Sonus Faber Guareri speakers? thank you
Thanks Tom! Now I need to make up my mind on which "level" to try for my system and find a store near me that sells the products (though that shouldn't be too hard!).
I will let you know what I get and what my results are like in the near future.
Thanks once again!
Hi Adg,
Its ziggy (Frank) Glad your really enjoying the Valhalla IC in your system. Couldn't agree more but did not know you purchased Valhalla PC. As you know I have all Brahma PC's. Do you think the PC had a lot to do with your system sounding sooooo good. Hi musicallyinclined. Just my 2 cents. I also used Acoustic Zen throughout my system and after reading all the hype with Nordost,
I took the plunge and sold off all the AZ and went with a complete loom of Nordost. The Nordost IS a big leap from AZ. AZ are still great cables, but the Nordost are in another league. With my Pass equip. Adg's description are right on the money. What I'm using is ALL brahma PC's, ! Valhalla IC between source and preamp, Frey between pre and amp, and Frey bi-wire SP cables.
You can get a good deal on new ones or better yet buy used.(broken-in already)
Frank my man. Life is wonderful lately in Indonesia that i have Valhallas. One of em is from you :-)

I am also lucky that i have good friends here who pointed me to the matching (as you can am avoiding the use of "right") cables to my mcintosh.

Enjoy the music!
Synergy seems the key factor from my point of view. In my system I recently tested Try2 vs Transparent reference speaker cables. The Transparent have better bass with more emphasis on tone and sustain. The Tyr2 have better highs and highlight the leading edge. If I did not have 2 JL-113 the Transparent win out as the Nordost seems a little light in bass. With the subs I prefer Nordost as the air and highs from Nordost cables along with bass from subs gives the better sound overall. I had a previous system with Opus MM2 speaker cables and in that system nothing i tested came close to the midrange magic the Opus gave. Regrettably it seems the best advice is to trial cables in your own system. PS I ordered the Try cables.