is it the connector or the wire ?

i believe that the connector has mor of an affect on the sound of a cable, be it interconnect, power cord or speaker cable , than the wire itself.

let's discuss this.

i believe a pure copper connector is best to use with copper wire. using copper solder helps too.
While my experience is primarily with power cables, I'd have to go along with JD.
Also, JD, I have to say that Furutech really has something special with their Rhodium connectors. You described their traits exactly, whether it's the RCA connectors or the AC connectors. Furutech will be introducing a Rhodium AC duplex next year as well. If that's as good as their other Rhodium products, they may be having a very good year next year.
Jond, If you want to discuss anything about building your own cables, please feel free to write. I can respond either via email, or I will give you my phone number and we can talk. There is so much info I learned last winter, I love to share it.

Tplavas, Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to try the AC duplex, it's been quite a few years since I tried anything new on the outlet front.

Hey, have a great holiday guys,

Also consider to what the connector is connected-ie binding posts.And "bind" the sound is what they do indeed do.Whenever I can I bypass those nasty things and solder directly .Think about it,amplifier speaker binding posts made of?, then speaker wire connector made of?,then speaker binding post made of? no wonder some systems sound so wrong, too many variables.You should be looking at continuity from source to speaker with as little mechanical terminations as possible.
I agree with with Ellery911.........yawn. Reading JD and his past forums seems to me he has one agenda. Yes, plugging his own agenda. No pun intended. Merry Xmas