is it the connector or the wire ?

i believe that the connector has mor of an affect on the sound of a cable, be it interconnect, power cord or speaker cable , than the wire itself.

let's discuss this.

i believe a pure copper connector is best to use with copper wire. using copper solder helps too.
The insulation on the wire, and the spacing and geometry of the wire are MORE IMPORTANT than the connector (if the connector is any better grade. (IE not nickel plated steel)
(of course, I am an idiot...)
"12-26-06: Elizabeth
The insulation on the wire, and the spacing and geometry of the wire are MORE IMPORTANT than the connector (if the connector is any better grade. (IE not nickel plated steel)
(of course, I am an idiot...)"

100% agree. Cables are like good cake recipes, all the ingredients matter.
(of course, I am an idiot...)"

I don't know you, but I'll take your word for it. LOL !
Maybe I'm an idiot too, because I, like Winston Ma( owner of FIM) believe that the ratio of connector to conductor importance is 50/50.