Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I'm using all Accelerators I/C's and speaker cables now. Very transparent and 3-D as everyone has posted.
I was wondering about that yesterday. There was no documentation included in the box so I assumed they were bi-directional. Thanks for mentioning that! :-)
Please let us know how this effects the music.

Setting them in the proper direction shaped the image into something that is slightly more coherent. It also increased the volume slightly, as though there was more electrical resistance to flow in the other direction.
Leica man:

This is Scottyw, still loving the S.R. Telsa's. I echo the sentiments of Rb99 (BTW GREAT REVIEW Rb99 of the Telsa's, nice work!) it's pretty much what I'm hearing and what I've been trying to inform other AG'ers of....I mean that's what this forum is all about right?

I'm to the point where I've liquidated all my other cables to move my to a complete Telsa set up....phono and all. I can't wait to really hear what's on all that vinyl!

Have you ever tried any of their power cables? If not, treat bullshit they are the real deal (like the Telsa's). I have the entry level powered ones.
An interesting observation. I took my Accelerator interconnects and Precision Reference speaker cables to a friends house to "share the love." In his system they sounded good enough as compared to his Transparent Reference XL's to prompt him to give them a try through The Cable Co. but that is not the point of my story. When I got them home (where they have nearly 500 hours of play time and have sat unmoved and untouched for two months now) the sound had changed. Before I was getting decay that exceeded the boundaries of my listening room, inner detail, warmth and a kind of effortless and liquid holographic presentation that is hard to define. Now the sound is somewhat muddy and the air that reached my 10 foot ceilings and kept right on going now extends no further then my ceiling and then only "just." This experience has led me to conclude the following:

1. Just because these cables are "broken-in" does not mean they are "settled in."

2. You need to set these cables up in a system and then leave them alone if you want to experience the magic of Tesla.

This seems to correspond to what Rb99 is saying as well as my fellow AG'ers but the distinction here is that these cables do not just need break in, they also must settle in. I'll let my cables sit for a few days with Active Shielding turned on and report back.