Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I am confused. Because I am having positive results with some new cables, I am contributing to hype? I would think true users results is the antithesis of hype.
you are not contributing to hype. You have positive results and that's good. Some other people on this thread are hyping things up.
hype 1 /hīp/ informal
extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion : she relied on hype and headlines to stoke up interest in her music.
• a deception carried out for the sake of publicity.
verb [ trans. ]
promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits : an industry quick to hype its products.
ORIGIN 1920s (originally in the sense [shortchange, cheat,] or [person who cheats, etc.] )
: of unknown origin.

My take on “hype” here on Audiogon. Yes there is a lot of hype but it's not coming from the honest enthusiasm of music lovers who have discovered Tesla. I do however wonder as to the motives of those who do not own Tesla but feel compelled to cast dispersion on these amazing cables. If you read this thread closely, as well as the scores of other threads and references to Tesla on AG, you find a ground swell of enthusiasm from a wide cross section of music lovers. When a product is this good it continues to grow. Hype on the other hand burns hot and bright then just as suddenly disappears. I don't think Tesla is going away any time soon- sorry if that bothers some and it is this seeming concern expressed by a few that is the real hype in my opinion.
My findings as well-when you go 100% Tesla your system takes a BIG step forward beyond the incremental steps you enjoyed while adding new Tesla cables along the way.
Leica_man (System | Threads | Answers)

Posting this again because you forgot to answer my question.

Are you a sales rep for Synergistic by any chance?

Most of your recent posts espouse the benefits of using 100% Tesla cabling, and the posts start to take on somewhat of a marketing tone.

So, I'm just curious.
The subject and question that started this thread is "... Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments?"

I too, as many others have also, found going to an all Tesla system yields results beyond the mere sum of the all of the parts (sounds like hype, but it's absolutely true). I've always been a firm believer that the best results can be achieved by mixing and matching cables from more than one manufacturer as necessary and have done so for over ten years.

But now I've ended up with just one brand... and within that brand I can mix and match/tune my system with many choices. And among the many choices one doesn't have to always buy the most expensive model to get the best results. I have never been able to say that about any other brand.

As a dealer I want my speakers and electronics to sound as best they can... and I have now had to rethink what cables I will continue to carry. I am neither a rep nor dealer for the Synergistic Research line of cables. There already is an established dealer in the area where I live. I respect that and Ted Denney is very careful to maintain a professional and knowledgeable dealer base. I will probably end up not carrying any line of cables, but will let the Synergistic cables in my demo system speak for themeselves.

What do I have to gain by posting here? What I gain is the soul satisfaction that maybe I've convinced someone on the fence to audition the Tesla line and discover what the rest of us have found... a line of cables that actually work as advertised... finally. Audio is more than a hobby with me... it's a true passion and sharing what I have discovered when a product like this comes along is a big part of that passion.