Anyone try the Paul Speltz Anti Wires?

I liked what they did in my system but, but then I had really cheap Audioquest prior to that so I had no where to go but up. I ordered them blind after the blurb in TAS.

I was curious to see if anyone else has tried them/like them/hated them etc.
Hi, IMHO they are one of the best audio bargains available. Are there better cables? Yes, but (IMHO again) they cost much more. Until you hear a cable in your system that you feel is better and worth the extra dollars (and only you can decide where that threshold is) then I highly recommend the Speltz. They have bettered cables in my system costing 10x as much. Jeff
The Audio Art Cables blow them away, for only a few more bucks. I did a direct shootout comparison - see my previous thread - and the Audio Arts beat even expensive Cardas in my system. YMMV of course, but try 'em, you'll like 'em!
hi slaw3:

why do you prefer the audio art cable over the anti cables (i assume interconnect and speaker) ?

i think the term "blows them away is too ambiguous to be used in an audio discussion. it is better to be factual, as reporter when describing listening experiences.
the autoformers did wonders for my OTL amp/ML CLS set up, especially in the midrange and bass, which went from bloated to firm.
Useless audiofool phrases

Blows them away
Jaw dropping
Lifted the veil

There was a thread on this some time ago. It should be required reading before posting.