Cable Burn-In Question Interconnect & Speaker

With the known fact that Audio Cables (Interconnect & Speaker) benefit greatly from the Burn-In process...I see more Cable Retailers offering a Burn-In Service.

Curious, do most of you Hi-Fi experts prefer to burn the Cables in yourselves?

Or, do you pay the Cable Retailer to burn the cables before they are shipped to you?

Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Burn in makes life easier for a "cable addict", inevitably , i went the route of getting my own burner, rather than pestering an audio buddy . I used to burn my cable by hooking it up in my car , as i spend more time there. But that was over 12 years ago, not many commercial burners that i remember.
Hi Oak3x - obviously Riffer is just trying to be helpful in his OWN way - otherwise why would he bother to comment???? We offer free cable burn in service with the purchase of any new cables, which helps out the guys with long runs and/or tube gear immensely. We generally run about 36-40 hours on i/c and speaker cables, which gets the cables reasonably close. Phono cables need to have much shorter time and only be done on the Nordost cooker. We have found that you can "overcook" cables by leaving them on the burn in machine for too long. This results in very edgy, brittle, harsh upper mids/highs, but this CAN be corrected in a couple of different ways that I won't get into here. For myself, I use the burn in machines for the 40 hours then put the cables in my system and run music ( Yes -real, actual music) for the remaining time and that seems to get the job done. I hope this HAS been helpful - John
Hey Dave, I'm amazed my post even got through the approval :)

Cable burn-in is a touchy subject, so it is best not to state it as a "Known fact". I would probably rephrase it in a more neutral manner.

That being said, if I believed in cable burn-in, I wouldn't pay a dime for the cable manufacturer to burn them in. I would think that, if they felt it makes the cable sound better, they would burn-in their cables as a matter of course. Some manufacturers do.