Cable Burn-In Question Interconnect & Speaker

With the known fact that Audio Cables (Interconnect & Speaker) benefit greatly from the Burn-In process...I see more Cable Retailers offering a Burn-In Service.

Curious, do most of you Hi-Fi experts prefer to burn the Cables in yourselves?

Or, do you pay the Cable Retailer to burn the cables before they are shipped to you?

Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated!

"There is no process that has been documented that would explain it satisfactorily".

Not sure that's a reason to denounce something.

As for "Science", well we know a whole lot less than we think we do. Just because "scientists" dispute something- or support it- doesn't mean it's absolute. Remember Eugenics? Pre-Frontal Lobotomy? Thallidomide (sp)? Martian Canals? Malaria Theories? Celebrex? Silicone Implants? Asbestos? Lead Paint? I'd keep going but I don't have all night :)

As for Electrical Engineers- my Brother AND Sister in-law are both Electrical engineers, and they both tell me in detail why Zenith TV's are the best. So, there goes their credibility :)

There's a fine line between belief and knowledge.

BTW- I've heard burn in take place in my own system, so count me among the heretics.
Denounce? I didn't read that in Shadorne's post.
How about doubt? Is that authorized here?
If you have a tube preamp, then run your tuner or cable box 24/7 into your preamp with the rest of the system including the preamp turned off. Do one pair of ICs at a time. Or if you have a solid state preamp, you can have the preamp on and burn in both pairs of ICs at the same time while the amp is off.
About 100 hours of burn-in should give you an idea about how the cable will sound like eventually. Some cables may take longer to burn in.

Fair enough. It is true that there are some examples where science gets it badly wrong and later "scientific wisdom" is retracted. Perhaps audio cables will be one of these examples.
Shadorne- I think this is one of those things that just remains subjective. If you hear it and believe, you spend the money. If not, you stay richer :)