Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

Similar Products used:
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Wow, this thread keeps on going like an Everready bunny.

Grr6001 - This is not a "one cable bests all others" thread. Keep in mind that my comments on the VD Rev vs. the Dominus Ferox were ONLY with two components side by side: the GNSC mod'd tube Manley Ref DAC and the GNSC mod'd Wadia 27 DAC. The major factor here was the Manley's ability to render piano harmonics and decays that the Wadia simply could not do. But it was ONLY the Dominus that brought this capability to the forefront. The VD PC significantly reduced the reasons why I would put up with the hassles of owning a tubed DAC. I am not talking about tonality issues or detail where the VD excels.

As previously stated, the VD rendered the frequency extremes with more coverage and control. But this is not significant to me if the harmonics/textures/decays are much reduced. And the same holds true for other components in my system like the Aesthetix Io & Callisto. I have heard so many preamps and only a few cut it for me.....all tube based. It makes no sense to find such a prize, with premium tubes that take the stock tube component to even greater heights, only to destroy the magic within it with cables that dramatically reduce these strengths. And again, other than the Stealths that I have recently switched over to, only the Dominus cables so far have allowed for such strengths to come through. I will have to borrow a few VD cables and try them elsewhere to determine if the result with the Manley DAC was typical with tube gear or perhaps unique.
Jafox- I wasn't going to comment further, but decided to since my experience has been quite different from yours. I think we are also obviously listening for different things, at different relative seating positions to the presentations and probably also to different music. That having been said, when I put a VD Revelation PC on my VAC Phi 2.0(tubes) and Revelation Sig ICs between my APL-modded Denon 3910(tubed) and the VAC, "harmonics/textures/decays" INCREASED and pretty dramatically, compared to the PADs I had. So, I would venture to say you had a unique experience in a unique situation and leave it at that. To try to extrapolate or infer any more from that at this point doesn't seem supported by the facts as you've related, IMHO.
The Cables have arrived.....
Will put them in today and post some impressions next week..
please remember that these cables do take a number of hours before one's system is able to resettle and relax.I find that 400 hrs is the minimum beofore you can form a opinion on what the cables are doing.You will be able to tell that the VD is doing things right, from the get go.If you think that it is good now,just wait for time to go by.Hope this helps-Dennis
I have an entire shipment of VD Master 3.0 cables and cords shipping out next week, Rick is including a bottle of quicksilver gold, once the cables are in my system should I let them burn-in before applying the quicksilver or should I apply upon initial installation? The reason I ask this questions is for evaluation purposes, will it make a difference with or without. Thanks