Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

Similar Products used:
Kimber BiFocal XL
DIY PC's with Furutech Gold IEC's
Running dedicated 32 amp lines

please remember that these cables do take a number of hours before one's system is able to resettle and relax.I find that 400 hrs is the minimum beofore you can form a opinion on what the cables are doing.You will be able to tell that the VD is doing things right, from the get go.If you think that it is good now,just wait for time to go by.Hope this helps-Dennis
I have an entire shipment of VD Master 3.0 cables and cords shipping out next week, Rick is including a bottle of quicksilver gold, once the cables are in my system should I let them burn-in before applying the quicksilver or should I apply upon initial installation? The reason I ask this questions is for evaluation purposes, will it make a difference with or without. Thanks
You MUST put it on straight off the bat!Quicksilver enhances the electrical connection between the metal connectors.It will take at least 3-days before the Q starts to really settle in and 4-weeks before it totally sets up.Make sure that you follow directions on how much to put on.You are in for a real treat sonically and hope this helps Dennis
Thanks Dennis for your replies, I am really excited about the VD products. I live in Wichita KS, so I have zero opportunities to listen or audition any highend cables or cords. I have to mainly go with word of mouth, reviews and people as yourself to help guide me along. In the past I have spent so much cash trying to accomplish my goal, although I don't believe I will ever obtain the ultimate, I hope to someday get close . One other component in my system is the Von Schweiket VR5SE of which I truly love, I'm crossing my fingers the VD's will bring out the best in my entire system
Then I may be able to relax and enjoy the music for a while.
Hi All,

Cable received and burned in 24/7 by VD for 8 days before shipping to me...(at least this is what I am told)....Below are reactions so far....AND PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SLAM ME FOR PROVIDING THESE INITIAL REACTIONS....

Initial Reactions:
- extremely tough cable to work with, even with pre-forming or pre-bending into shape...
- keeps on popping out of inlets and do not grip very well compared to my Furutechs
- needs to constantly make sure there is no shift in weight for the cables to work loose..
- if I had to decide on this alone, these cables may not make it.
- it is so difficult the cable would not stay in the Naim CD player inlet (thus I have left one PC out).

I have a borrowed Naim CD2X (this unit is used, just traded in so I believe it is runned in) to test these cables(nice dealer who loaned it to me).

I bought 2 Revelation 1.0 cords and I have plugged 1 of them into the Pre-amp. 2nd power cord could not go into the CD player...so it stays out till I figure out how to manhandle this thing...

So far it has been running like this:

Wall --> Pre amp (VD Rev 1.0)
Wall --> Naim CD2X (Naim power cord)
Wall --> RSA Duke (Mongoose) --> Monoblocks (DIY Furutech cords)

See my system for other cable connections..

With the Hydra 8 in the equation, the reduction in dynamics is worse...sound seems to have dropped back by a few rows (rather than forward)...Have to really crank up the volume to get the same sound as before...

Now with the Hydra 8 out, the dynamics have returned but still detect that the sound is further away...vocals (male and female are good) but instruments not as prominent as before...

Now to be fair, since the Naim CD2X is new to this equation, I am recognizing that this player could be contributing to what I am hearing....since I have gotten used to my other Oppo 981 player...

I intend to run this configuration for at least 1 week before I switch back to the Oppo....I know I know, it is not the best player on the planet, but this is what I have to work with now....so please take these comments with a pinch of salt....

By then the Rev 1.0 should have added another 100 hrs (total close to 300 hrs) to it to get to the magic 400 hrs...

Will post again then.....