Kubala Sosna and Virtual Dynamics - Similar??

I have gone through the Forums and checked on the comments and write-ups on both brands. Both are rated highly, especially for the KS Emotion and VD Master and Revelation ranges.....

I would like to know how similar these cables are in terms of sonics for Speaker cables and Power cords...

It seems that VD is hugely popular at the moment and KS is used by a select few....

Where I am, there is no dealer available, therefore I have to rely on your comments and suggestions...KS doesnt allow international trials and have not checked with VD..

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Thanks guys....I have been trying out the Jorma Design Power cords and their Interconnect....wow....they are good and provide a very balanced sound...

I tested the Super Power cord on my pre-amp and it is very good there, better than at my cd player...

I tried the Jorma Design No2 IC and it beat my AZ Silver Ref 2 hands down in terms of fleshing out the sound..I am waiting to test the No1 and the Prime...not cheap but wow..

still unable to test the KS as there is no agent here...so cannot compare.
Teck5, I've compared the Jorma Design No1 and K-S Emotion IC's between my DAC and preamp (see my system below). I kept the K-S. I found the Jorma IC to be faster, more resolute, more open in the highs and more coherent (this is an exceptional cable on this criterion) but colder, leaner and less involving than the K-S. In particular, timbres are more realistic with the K-S, voices are more human. I never tried the Jorma Prime (too expensive!), which might bring the touch of humanity that the No1 lacks.

I also found that having both K-S Emotion IC and speaker cables in my system leads to strong lack of openness in the highs, to such a point that timbres are partly denatured. I quite agree with Ozzy on this point. Having the IC only is O.K. though. The only persons I know who are quite happy with the full K-S cables are those using some ceramic speakers like the small Kharma’s in their system. In my experience, these ceramic speakers are rather dry and lean sounding. The K-S cables, with their harmonic richness and their ability to soften the highs, come up with the solution.

My system: drive: dCS Verdi/DAC: Zanden 5000 mk4/Nagra PL-L preamp and VPA monoblocs/speakers: Wilson Watt Puppy 7.
Hi Marcuz,

Nice system....and thank you for sharing.

Well...I will be getting both the JD No1 and KS Emotion in about 10 days....this is what I have been hearing so far in terms of performance....

I guess this will be put to rest when they arrive...who knows, these two cables make work well together if i put either one pair from Pre to Power amp and the other from source to pre...this will be interesting to see the result.

Also coming in will be the Emotion Power cord...and JD Super power....

Will update you guys...thanks
I agree with Ozzy on the Steath Indra interconnet at least. Another thing they seem do is expand the sound stage but not artifically...or put it another way its not so much the sound stage itself but as if your room itself has expanded somewhat. Love them. Don't have experience re their PCs or speaker cable though, Ozzy if you could provide comments...?

Also did anyone try the much reviewed Jena Labs cables?