purist vs. concierto vs. elrod vs dcca power cable

I am trying to upgrade my power cables for my system, which consists of first sound MKII preamp, cary MB500 monoblocks, MBL1531 CD player with shunyata hydra 8 and richard gray 1200s power conditioning. I've heard some very positive things about the cords listed above. I am looking for a little extra warmth with exceptional detail and soundstaging, and a bit more bottom end fullness (but not mushiness)--not audiophile terms, I know, but descriptive, I think. What do you all think?
I'm pretty happy with the Purist Audio Dominus power cord. I use it on my amp. I have not heard the others you mentioned so I can't make any comparisons, but the PAD does exhibit the traits you desire, and it will lower the noise floor.
I use an Elrod EPS2 Sig from Hydra to PS Audio Ultimate Outlet, snd then an Elrod Statement from UO to wall. Sounds great. I have used Elrod cords for years. They are full-bodied without removing too much detail. I have tried PAD cords as well but I found them too recessed.

warmth and detail is a contradiction. detail implies low coloration. warmth implies attenuation in the treble and a "bump" in the upperbass/lower midrange. so, which is more important--warmth or detail ??

i have several; dcca power cords and have reviewed their cable. if you wish to read my review, go to audiophilia.com.
i would say that the dcca cable is well balanced and cable of presenting detail without exaggeration. however, look elsewhere for warmth.

there is another power cord i am auditioning, the voodoo gold dragon. i believe others have commented about this company's products. i will have more to say about this in a while.
I have owned power cords from Purist, DCCA and Elrod. They're all good. The Purist is the one I prefer on most components.

Elrod and DCCA are both more transparent than Purist, IMO.
tried DCCA Source cord on the cdp. haven't tried the others you mentioned.
the "Source" is heavy, very stiff and will be tough to work with if space is limited.
In my system it presented more of a general sonic picture rather than drawing everything clearer and individualizing instruments and performers within the soundstage. Soundstaging depth was pretty decent. Overall sonics and the sonic picture did not appeal to me though. As far as I know, Don from DCCA is usually able to adjust the sonics of his power cords, but I didn't want to bother so I sold it.
Just didn't work out for me in my system.

I like the sound of Shunyata power cables so I recommend these. I am using Python VX on the cdp and Taipan Helix Alpha on the preamp with Audience powerChord on the amp and am very happy with the sound. Also, all of these cords are flexible, light and easy to maneuver and in my system perform extremely well.