Best CHEAP long under-carpet speaker cable

I'm about to put down carpet in an area that will support a second mid-fi system. What's the best speaker cable to go underneath the carpet? The length has to be around 20-25 feet. Obviously the most important issue is that it's relatively flat.

What do you think?
I'd suggest contacting a local home theater installation company. They routinely use flat cabling that can be purchased in bulk, and that does not receive "audiophile" buzz.
Check out River Cable Flexygy (sp?). They make some flat cable with supposedly great sonics, and not too pricey at all. I'm sure an e-search will bring back some good info.
If I am not mistaken, and I might be, but I beleive runnng speaker wires under carpet is a code violation. Anyone sure of this??
The Alpha Core series of flat cables would fit your needs. Available in bulk as well as pre-made.