Is there a optimum lenght for power cables?

I've followed the debates on cable lenghts for IC's and speaker cables. The shorter the better on speaker cables seems to make sense. IC any reasonable lenght will not impact the signal. What about power cords? I had a dealer tell me that they should be no less than 2 meters. Looking for comments has anyone else heard this and if true can you please explain why. I am looking to purchase after market PC's and would prefer shorter because my equipment is near dedicated out lets so I don't need long cords 1 meter will due. Besides the back of my rack is starting to look like a cable jungle. Thanks in advance.
Lol! Don't fall for the dealer's nonsense.

Learn how to terminate your own power cables, as I did, and make them the exact length to avoid the cable jungle. I have power cords from 1' to 5' in my system and to my "golden ears" they all sound the same.

If you don't want to terminate your own, there is usually a guy in your town who will do it for you for a reasonable fee. Many manufacturers will also provide custom lengths.
The optimum length is long enough to reach from the component to the power outlet.

"Molecular stabilization" - Ha, ha, ha, gimme a break! More like "bank account accentuation"...

FWIW, if you buy your PC for its benefits as a 'filter' or 'tone control' then longer is better is, IMHO, a logical conclusion. I typically use 6 and 9 foot lengths for convenicence, especially the 9 footers for mono amps with short speaker cables. Looks better than HD orange wire. :-)
How did Abe Lincoln respond when there was a remark made about his long legs: They're long enough to reach the ground, that's all that I care about.

I think that the best size power cord reachs the outlet nicely, taking the flexibility and everything else into consideration.