Best digital cable $300 or under new or used?

I would appreciate comments and recommendations for the best digital cable for (in following order) imaging and soundstage, accuracy, detail? Comments on Acoustic Zen MC2, Stereovox XV2, Synergistic Research Alpha Sterling?
Plus, Is length really important?
I only have experience with the Stereovox vx2 versus the cheap $20 cable offered by Benchmark Media when I purchased their DAC. I am still breaking in a 1.5M Stereovox, but the difference was immediate and not subtle. Considerably more air around the music voices and individual players, greater 3-dimentionality. Looking forward to hearing this cable with 50-100 hours on it.

I use Stereovox XV2 for $150 new it is really great sounding cable, I have had no desire to try more cables I am so satisfied. Also very light and flexible cable design which is a plus.

Few years ago I used AZ MC2 which had beat out several other contenders in $300 price range thought I was set, then I tried much cheaper original Stereovox XV.......MC2 was sold a couple weeks later

Since then I tried XV2 and sold VX a small but noticeable step up, there is a reason these sell for very little discount used!
Zu Ash, 60 day return policy, its as good as it gets.
I second the Zu Ash, it is quite revealing. I compaired it to an older TARA Labs digital cable, I think it was called the CD-1, and the level of increase in detail was not subtile.