Which Cardas cable is the warmest?

A question for Cardas interconnect users. I am currently using Cardas neutral reference between my dac and pre amp, as well as pre amp to amp. I am very happy with every aspect of sound ( detail, sound stage, timbre of instruments, highs and lows). However, the music still has a slight digital sound to it, ie; lack of mid bass, reverb and highs that are a bit too crisp. In other words, the analog sound is what I am attempting to simulate. What I am wondering is if Cardas golden reference, or Cardas golden cross would be a bit warmer? Hence getting me a little closer to analog.
I am completely happy and cannot afford to change my front end which consists of a CEC 5100 transport to a Genisis digital lens to a Parasound ultra dac 2000. The sound is close, I guess Im just looking for the warmest Cardas cable between the two. Thanks
I was using neutral reference ICs as well and was a little unhappy about the results. Switched to golden cross and haven't looked back.
I used o sell Krell.My boss wouldn't carry them (one rep had him hypnotized) but I'd tell friends and customers I liked any Crdas was better than Tributaries,Monster,XLO,or MIT we had on shelf.Tames nasties better han just about anything out there.Good move on GC though I used 5C with a Krell FPB 300 and it was fine,
IMS I replaced The Golden Cross with The Golden Reference and I like them better. Much more detail in the mid range. But it also could be a combination of up grading my power chords from hex link to Golden Reference at the same time. Either way I didn't notice much difference in warmth between the two and i believe either cable would serve you well. When it comes to solid state gear either one of these cables will add a tubeyness to the sound imo.
I've owned almost all of Cardas' cables at some point. The Cardas Cross is their warmest sounding cable.