What are some excellent mid -priced tuners?

I have a MC162 with a C15 pre-amp. Not sure if I want to stay with Mcintosh (MR85) or go with something else. 800. 1400 dollar range.
All of the Magnum Dynalab products are very good. Keep in mind, though, that most audiophiles overlook and compromise the most important part of an FM source -- the antenna.

It is worth the effort to climb up into your attic and install a quality Yagi antenna, such as the MD APS-9. Don't skimp on the coax either, since it will likely be a long run to your tuner.
You can pick up a lot of great Mac vintage tuners in excellent condition on ebay or even the Gon. The 78 is the top dog.
Get a Magnum Dynalab Etude, MD100 or MD102. The Etude can usually be found used on Audiogon. The MD100 is the newest release of the Etude model. The MD102 is the best SS tuner out there. Like Gthrush1 said, get a Yagi and put in on your roof. If you can only do indoor, than use an ST-2 inside with a Signal Sleuth. I listen to my Etude more than my CD player, the sound is just wonderful!
Give the Creek T43 a listen $699.

If you are interested in unsed Vintage tuners check out:

Of course the Fanfare should be mentioned. It is as good (IMO, better) than the Magnum Dynalabs at the same price point. The comparison in my home lead me to buy the Fanfare. The comparison was recently covered in this thread:


Take Care, Aaron