ac cables falling out of IEC inlets on amps

I use medium weight power cables with Marinco connectors.They sound good, but they fit in the IEC inlets on my monoblocks only loosely and can easily loose their connection. I am considering replacing the inlets on the amps with ones that solidly grip the powercord.
Any suggestions?
If you are in the market to change out your IEC inlets for some of higher quality ... check these out ... IEC with Retainers

Scroll down to the very last picture on the page and view IEC with retainer clip

HTH Dave
I'm getting in late on this one but I have the same problem. The higher up the component on my rack, the more weight pulling down on the power connection and I was getting sporadic disconnection. I bought two less massive PC's but I prefer the larger power cables. For $3 you guys just solved my problem. I tried some fairly creative stuff but nothing seemed to work.

Thank You!
Ahah!! a new tweak for me!
Bluetack on the A/C IEC... sounds like a project.
(I have used a 'tape' material to firm up the connectors in the past)
This problem really pisses me off. We spend all this money on power cords only to have compromised connections. What's the net effect of that?

Some manufacturer needs to step up with a serious solution to this.
Drubin is right. The idea of "gluing" the cord to the chassis, with real Blu-Tack, or the generic stuff from Office Depot, doesn't appeal to me, for the reasons stated by Jeff_jones.
I use a mechanical solution where it's feasible -- I support the power cord plugs with small wood blocks under them so they stay in place.
I've often thought the connectors should be held in place with screws, like serial cables on computers. I'm sure I'm not the only genius out there.