Nordost Heimdall warm???

Hi, I have been reading here that some people think the Nordost Heimdall speaker cables are warm? Warm has never been an adjective used to describe Nordoat in the past. I currently have Blue Heaven speaker cables and I am actually pretty happy with them. They have been the one cable in my system that has survived my frequent component upgrades (maybe more out of laziness than its performance). Anyway, I was looking to get two sets of speaker cables to try true biwiring and the Heimdalls are on my list to try. I really like the speed, transparency, and detail of the Blue Heavens but am looking for a bit more fullness, especially in the bottom end. I wonder if I can get this in the Heimdalls? I am not looking to add or attenuate any part of the signal. I just want a really neutral cable. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
guys: can anyone tell me which is a better or more expensive spk cable SPM or heimdal.. i just can't find it on the web and nordost stopped making SPM, maybe frey is the replacement>??? thanks and happy listening...
I compared the Harmonic Technology Pro Silway 3 IC with the Nordost Heimdall IC in my system, and found the Nordost seemed to fill out the notes with an increased richness. I suppose you could say it seemed warmer, as the singing voices took on more body, to my ears anyway. I felt a little more connected to female vocals in particular.
I was also surprised, because every Nordost cable I have heard until now seemed lean to me.
For me it was the Frey. especially the speaker cable. It finally felt like nothing was being taken away. I would've stayed at that point but I got a great deal on the SPM speaker cable and Tyr interconnect.

The Tyr was wild, it added this 1/4 of bass to EVERYTHING. Even chimes had more bass if that makes sense. On my system really subtle but there and I like it a lot. The SPM just put more nylon on the guitar strings. It reminded me of the Audience Au24e, but clearer and "quicker" but just as natural sounding.
Markc2, I think your words have described what I have been hearing with various cables. They all seem to hold back something from reaching you, some less than others. Intially some sound very impressive but after awhile, you realise they are thieves.
I have not heard the Tyr. The Tyr IC sounds especially interesting to me. How would you say it compares with the Heimdal?