Lessloss PC for digital source or power amp?

I just ordered a Lessloss power cord. I am wondering where I will hear the biggest improvement with this PC.

Currently, I have Shunyata Copperhead for the power amp and Diamondback for the digital source. I also have a Shunyata Guardian powerline filter.

I'd go to your source first(cdp) that's what I did.
I think most folks will agree.After a week try your power amp.
You'll probably purchase another for your power amp and your pre,Have fun

When I got my first LessLoss AC cord, I got the biggest impact using it on my Equi=Tech 1.5 power supply.

Since, I replaced all my cables ( 8 in total) with LessLoss cables
I am using on preamp, which all sources run through. This PC is the real deal, even with minimal burn-in.
