Devore Super 8 speakers with WHAT cable?

Super8 's on their way and looking for the best combination of speaker cable? Can a great cable be had for Approx $250US? Would be paired with a Red Wine Audio Sig 30.2 Thankks, e
Yeah it figures ORjazz. $900 for 8ft....too rich for me blood. I'd love to hear them though--actually I did when I demo'd my speakers. but I really want an A/B. My speakers are soundin great.
Abd funny how all the stuff that is ideal for Devores is dark green!
Theres a pair on the gon going for $450, I have these cables and they're worht the investment at full price.
Orjazzm I've responded to that ad selling the A23 cables for $450 twice, but with no response. I think its a stale ad and/or the seller's dissapeared.