SB Touch through coax or USB to DAC?

I own a Touch and need to decide about a DAC: select one where the budget has been spent on optimizing the coax input (using the Touch coax out), or select an asynch USB DAC and perform the John Swenson mods to get the Touch to output thru the USB? It seems to be an either/or question in terms of DACs. Some have very good reviews about S/PDIF inputs (eg, Bryston, Rega), while other focus on asynch USB (Wyred DAC2, Calyx, Young, Wavelength, Ayre).

I'm confused.

Anybody has been able to try both options with the Touch?
FYI, if the Touch USB hack doesn't work you can get a used Mac Mini for essentially the same price that you can sell the Touch for and turn it into a Squeezebox with software like Squeezeplay. Of course there's lots of other Mac software that people use, but I would never give up the excellent Squeezebox interface.
"DAC designers need to add HDMI (I2S) to their products"


Steve N.
Empirical Audio