PS Audio P300 or Cardas Golden Reference?

Currently I'm using REGA Jupiter, KRC, FBP600, and Celestion A3. I'm thinking about upgrading my interconnector between pre and power or PS Audio power generator P300 (or 500) Which upgrade will be noticable or effective for the amount of money? I think both will be around $500. P300 can be benefical for both KRC and Rega. Please direct me. Thanks.
Of all the cables that there are, why have you picked Cardas?? LISTEN in your system before purchasing!!
What is wrong with Cardas? I have a pair I'm trying right now and they seem pretty good to me.
Krell components don't appreciate being plugged into power conditioners or regenerators. The sonics will suffer..low level information, transparncy, dynamics, slam etc.. For a cheap but exceeptional IC try a pair of Monster Cable Z Reference Balanced IC's (about $200/pair). I demo's them with my Evo rig against my MIT Oracle V2.2 IC's and it was darn hard to tell the difference!