DIY Acrolink or Lessloss for Cary SLP-05?

On on the fence between these two seemingly open, transparent, dynamic and detailed power cords. I have not listened to a system with these. My current power cables are DIY VH-Audio Flavor 2's and 4's (amps and line conditioner). Most use the Furutech gold male plug and silver IEC.

Should I stay with my current power cable scheme or "upgrade" with the addition of the Cary?
I have owned Lessloss, and I presently own some Oyaide Tunami GPX. IMO, the Tunami GPX performs better in my system than did the Lessloss, in that the Tunami are clear, open and grainless without sounding veiled...a quality I detected in the Lessloss.

Member Stringreen presently uses power cords made with Acrolink wire and Oyaide plugs. He claims the Acrolink/Oyaide combo is substantially better than the Oyaide Tunami.

Based on my experience with the Lessloss and Oyaide, and also based on Stringreen's comments, I'd put my money on the Acrolink (or perhaps even save some dough and buy an Oyaide Tunami to try first).

It's unlikely I would go back to Lessloss after owning Oyaide Tunami GPX.
Why not try the Flavor 4 on your digital source. I did and liked the results. Between what you listed as options I would choose the Acrolink. The Lessloss at first listen will sound quiet, but what you're really hearing is that veiled trait Tvad mentioned. I have had an Acrolink and it is quite a nice cable. When I auditioned it with an Oyaide Tunami GPX I chose the latter because it did not give up much to the Acrolink in sonics, but was a bit quieter in my system.

All that being said if you're still open for suggestions and it is in your budget check out a Tel Wire PC.
The Fim AC terminals (available from Elusive Disc) look promising for a DIY Acrolink PC. I like the blade materials and they're a bit more reasonably priced than the Oyaides. I think I'm going to try a pair.