why 3D Holographic sound

HI, guys, my question is, why I'experience thru holographic sound when standindg in front of my speakers obout 7' away and not as much when sitting in my chair about same distance, does it have something to do with speaker placement, or what,trying to find the reason why this is happening, dont' like to stand when playing my music, any sugestions will be apreciated. regards:
HI, thanks, Etran, will try leveling speakers, will get back to you with the results, thanks: and by the way,upgraded from VTL, to joulet 150mk11, ans boy what a diference; much more resolving, and organic sound, upgraded due to imaging problem, was a win,win, situation in my case:
I think Etran and Shadowshaman nailed it. Especially the 2" tilt. Take that away and your stage height will definitely drop down a bit. The best part is that it's FREE!

I had a similar problem with my VR4JRs and resolved with tweeter diffraction devices offered by DifFraction be Gone at:
The are essentially pressed wool felt pads that surround your tweeter drivers. I tried to make my own but could not find the correct material online or locally.
I am in no way connected to this company. I tried their money back offer and will not be sending them back because they really tightened-up image placement. It is a solution incorporated in many off-the-shelf products such as Dunlavy speakers and a few others.
3 dimensionality has to do with reproducing the sound waves while retaining the phasing of the live performance. Wall/cieling,floor,reflections will fill in and confuse the compressions and rareractions, and ruin the 3 -D effect.