Anyone here have experience with MIT cabling ?

Hi guys,

Hope you guys dont mind me asking.
Anyone here have extensive experience with the different MIT cablings ? speaker cables or interconnects ?

For example, a $1000 avt ma interconnect from mIT, can these be compared to $1500 to $2000 cables from say another company like Cardas or Tara Labs ?

I can't find much reviews on these cables. How is the sound character of them ?

do they tend to be more on the warm, neutral or romantic sounding ?

I'm looking at the avt, shotgun or magnum series interconnects and speaker cables.

Is the jump from one model to the other a significant upgrade ?

Are they also universal in that it works in any speakers, any amp, s/s or tubes ?

Thanks for the inputs.

When I asked MIT those questions I was told "As you move up the line, you'll get more."

More what?


Lovely. Thanks.

I had a MIT Magnum 3 RCA for a good long while. I really liked it. I added later on a Shotgun S1 downstream of it as a main IC. With those tow ICs inplace, resolution improved, SS gained more specific imagaing. Bass was enormously improved with only the addition of the Magnum, the Shotgun added still more impact. Inner detail too was increased.

At first... then a funny thing happend. The color of the music became less vivid and less involving. Weird. Removing the Shotgun S1 from the chain and inserting another brand of IC, the timberal color returned. This event was with a tube preamp and SS amp. Perhaps with all tube gear it would have been otherwise.

I've posted reviews of my exp with MIT here on Audiogone if you want more details.
thanks for the replies.

Is it mandatory to have an all MIT cabling to fully hear the effects of the product ?

Can they be mixed and matched with other brands ?

I'm thinking of starting with MIT in one of the interconnects in my set-up.

Many thanks for the tips.

My review of the MIT AVt MA series on should answer much of what's being sought here. :)

Nolitan, Regarding your last questions: The only way to ascertain precisely what any cable brand does is to outfit the entire system with that cable brand. Mixing will not tell you entirely what they sound like. Even different models of the same brand have very distinct differences. It's common for the upper echelon cables to bring "more of the same" flavor of the cables.

They can certainly be mixed with other brands. But, I recommend you keep the L/R channels the same. ;) Over time I have found more delight in keeping systems largely intact with one brand versus a hodge-podge of cables. I will occasionally tune a rig with substitution of one set of IC's or PC's.

If you try one set of interconnects it's interacting with the others as well, but you can still get sense of what it can bring to the party. As you keep replacing elements of the cabling with more of the same brand the sound will morph. Whether you love it or not is for your ears to determine.

Finally, the quality of the rig is a profound influence on the Efficacy (whether it's worth it) of cables. If you have an under $10k rig I would not recommend chasing high cost cables. If your rig is upwards of $30k it becomes important and at $50k (this is a rough measurement) it becomes critical. People who by default stick with econo wires on very high end rigs run a high percentage chance that they are choking the performance of the system. On the highest end systems it's of paramount importance to get an extremely well matched set of cables.

In all seriousness, if you already have aftermarket IC's, then you may first want to try an MIT power cord; I also wrote a reivew of some MIT power cord offerings. You will find nearly as much an influence from changing two or three power cords as changing speaker cables! I have done so dozens of times over the years and on a repeated basis in listening nowadays.

I think you were hear different things on different equipment. Im a poor man but on my big system I used all MIT Oracle cables and found the biggest diffence was in the speaker cables. I.M.H.O. MIT is warm and has very good control over your speakers. In my case 5 different sets of Thiels. If you get a chance A-B the cables and decide for yourself. I think you will find it takes alot of money to make a small improvement in sound. Spend the money on equipment or try a company (PS Audio) that will let you live with cables for no fee, just shipping.
Good Luck!
Nothing in this hobby is mandatory... except for curiosity.

Well, that and some $$$$$.

You are gonna get tons of folks saying "yes, go all brand x, OR No, choose what you like as it’s your ears."

I've done both... and kind of prefer the latter. it's a mite more troublesome but the results pay off better IMO.

I like the MIT Mag series on a source better than as a main IC. Check out Doug’s account on them at D Gogo too. I suppose he’s talking retail prices here on the rigs he described, so I can’t chime in on the above $30K range as to what’s going to be needed cablewise in the upper atmospheres… but anythings possible. Regrettably, or thankfully, I’ll probably never know what wires are needed to run a $50-100K rig, so it’s a moot point for me.

I would only caution aginst one thing… having too much of a good thing is not good… usually. Meaning just ‘cause you like a Zip Zap cable on your whatsit, don’t mean adding another exact same type downstream is gonna become complimentary to the total mix…. Again, such is my own exp.