Anyone here have experience with MIT cabling ?

Hi guys,

Hope you guys dont mind me asking.
Anyone here have extensive experience with the different MIT cablings ? speaker cables or interconnects ?

For example, a $1000 avt ma interconnect from mIT, can these be compared to $1500 to $2000 cables from say another company like Cardas or Tara Labs ?

I can't find much reviews on these cables. How is the sound character of them ?

do they tend to be more on the warm, neutral or romantic sounding ?

I'm looking at the avt, shotgun or magnum series interconnects and speaker cables.

Is the jump from one model to the other a significant upgrade ?

Are they also universal in that it works in any speakers, any amp, s/s or tubes ?

Thanks for the inputs.

Post removed 
I know what kind of sound the Terminator 2 and 4 interconnects delivers because I own them and have experimented.

I do not doubt that the high end versions probably sound better either.

I am skeptical though that the prices many cable companies charge (not just MIT) for the high end stuff is justified. I think a lot of it is just clever marketing to collect a large margin on a niche product.

Years ago companies made little profit on electronics. The profit margins were in the speakers, phono cartridges, and accessories. I suspect some of that still exists today.
thanks again guys-i'm learning alot with the people who has experienced in MIT chiming again.
Someday when funds permit I'll give the Shotgun series a try.

again, cheers and Merry x'mas!!!
Just a note to Mapman,

No offense for the glorious T2 but the Terminator are very old cables and their performances aren't even comparable to the newer series. In fact is enought to put in comparison a T2 with a Shotgun S3 ( I did it with the biwire version) to immediately realize tha the difference in favor of the S3 is HUGE.

Regarding the guy that opened the Oracle V2.1 is important to say that he isn't the original owner but he purchased it on the resale market.

Not a factor to underestimate because on the resale market there are around defective used MIT cables that appear cosmetically perfect. That's very tricky. Twice I had issues with used MIT cables that turned out not to perform properly and I had to pay MIT for the repair . The Oracle V2.1 noise issue sounds like the cables was defective. May be due to some improper use of the previous owner. Who knows?
For example a shortcut of an amplifer may cause a certain degree of damage to the components inside the MIT network box.


Please tell me more about the difference between Terminator series and other MIT cables you are familiar with?
