Why Transparent Cable? for Wilsons.... options?

Well this is the situation being cheap I guess!

Using Wilson Sophia's with my Krell system, love it.
Using the Transparent Super at the moment for speaker cables. Everyone says I should move up, like the Ultra at least.
Have you guys tried anything else on your Wilson and worked well? My reference system once used Au24 ONLY and it was my favourite cable ever, till I got the Wilson.
They dont work well IMO and not sure why. Even the Super(lowest line of Transparent) works amazingly with the Wilsons. For me to jump to the Ultra is going to cost me over a grand, thats the problem. Its expansive enough for me right now with the Super and thinking may be there are other options that wont exceed 1k on top of what I have now.

Any advise is appreciated.
Wilson speakers work well with MIT cables. Buy the best you can afford, because they can get pricey but worth it.
How is it that you can afford Wilson and not the appropriate peripherals? This seems akin to putting retreads on a Ferrari. Or running unleaded gas in a 70s era muscle car. You are missing out on the potential of these speakers.
Well Zieman, thanks for the comment. Its not all about spending, but I like the idea of great value for money. I bought the Wilsons because I could not find anything that came close to it for the $$$$$ and I did get a great price on them.
I did go with the retailers suggestion and paid $1750 for my speaker cables then. Its just when you decided to go a step notch (as what many retailers have suggested..staying with Transparent) it becomes a $4500 jump on cables and at that price........your selections do tend to open up drastically! I am curious as to what other cables are out there that could be cheaper than $3500 that will make my Wilson improve dramatically. I believe they will since my once favourite cable which I still think they are great copper for the money in many systems out there- the Audience Au24 - did not quite work with the Wilsons I have particularly so......... $3500 is alot of money for me when it comes to speaker cables, the Wilsons on the other hand were relatively modest when I tried so many other speakers and some even costing twice as my Wilson did!
I like the Transparent stuff, and the company - and they have close working relationship with Dave Wilson, and use Wilson speakers in their listening studio. So it's not suprising that there's a good synergy there.

My experience with Transparent is that they're very consistent in the sound across their product line . . . that is, as you pay more money, you get very similar sound, but more refined. The flip side is that their less-expensive cables (I didn't say "cheaper") still IMO sound really nice.

If you're happy with the sound, and you're still a bit strapped from the speaker purchase . . . why not keep the cables you have for awhile? Transparent has a great upgrade program, where they'll apply a huge percentage of the original price for newer/fancier stuff when you want to make a change.