Why Transparent Cable? for Wilsons.... options?

Well this is the situation being cheap I guess!

Using Wilson Sophia's with my Krell system, love it.
Using the Transparent Super at the moment for speaker cables. Everyone says I should move up, like the Ultra at least.
Have you guys tried anything else on your Wilson and worked well? My reference system once used Au24 ONLY and it was my favourite cable ever, till I got the Wilson.
They dont work well IMO and not sure why. Even the Super(lowest line of Transparent) works amazingly with the Wilsons. For me to jump to the Ultra is going to cost me over a grand, thats the problem. Its expansive enough for me right now with the Super and thinking may be there are other options that wont exceed 1k on top of what I have now.

Any advise is appreciated.
Rapogee - Not to steal your thread but to add to it. I have just purchased a "like new" pair of WP7's to go with Krell 350MCX mono's. I had prewired in-wall using OFC 12AWG double - which I think is equivalant to 10AWG. Sound is amazing but its all new. I have not been a proponent of high priced wire but I want to try without wasting money. I am thinkig of a single run (30feet,20feet) of Vampire wire ST-II which is 10AWG Continuous Cast Copper at $12.90pf. Could be an alternative. Or wonder if any of this will realy make a "real" difference.....
After using Transparent Ultra XL on my Wilson MAX2's, I tried Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway 3 but was not happy and had already sold the Ultra XL's. I bought a 30 ft set of Tara RSC Ref2 and was impressed enough to buy a new 30 ft set of Tara Air One ic and a 8ft set of Air One speaker wire. This is not expensive, check it out, you may be as happy as I am.
Electronics are ARC REF 3 and Classic 150 amps.
For the WP7's/Krells i decided to try Blue Jean Cable Canare L-4E6S Star Quad XLR's at 25 feet ($60 per) so I can move the amps. In comparison i have AudioQuest Diamond Back XLR at 6 feet($210 pair). After a comparison to the Blue Jeans it was very close with suprizingly the Canare having more presence and slightly more volume, no degradation period. So this confirmend what I thought about higher priced albeit well built wire. What was to loose when they allow a return for any reason.
Hughp3, I have had some $20K plus wires in my system and yet I must admit that sometimes using an inexpensive cable can deliver the lions share of the high ticket cables performance:)
You can also try the Purist Audio Design cables, I heard a few times our dealer uses the Venustas or the Aqueous Anniversary with the new WP8 to wonderful effects.
Good luck.