Cardas Hexlink 5 series any good?

I have an opportunity to buy a used set for around $250 for 10-footers. But, I can't audition them. I could find little info on the older Hexlink Cardas 5 series, just on the newer Hexlink 5-C. Worth trying at the price? If they don't work out, can I likely get my money back? Other cables are Kimber 8TC's: not bad, but I wanted to give something else a shot and see how they sound.
Try the Paul Speltz anit cables at less than half the price and give you as much or more performance ( read the reviews ) than the cables your inquiring about....
I've had the Hexlink Golden 5-C's in bi-wire for 13 years in my system through many speaker changes, I like Cardas speaker cables more than their interconnects YMMV.

They are very musical and need time to settle in like anything else, Cardas really is an excellent company.