Good Performance/ Value Oriented Balanced IC's

I have a Cambridge Azure 840C player connected to a Krell 400xi. I was using Kimber Silver Streak single ended, but found them too bright. I talked to a Krell tech, who suggested microphone cable, and I obtained a pair for $25. The cable just did not cut it, (low res). I would be interested in learning about balances IC's that some have found outperformed their price. I have a very small budget here of only $300. Suggestions would be most welcomed, please. Thanks!
IF you can find them, Yamamura 5000 are excellent. Depending upon the length, you could go over budget a bit, but they are very nice cables.
Glenn makes an excellent point. The Silver Streak is a very transparent cable. What you heard was a brightness elsewhere in your system. Now you are hunting for an interconnect that will deaden your highs(act as a tone control). Find some used Audioquest Emeralds, and I'll bet you'll be happy.
The new Morrow Audio MA3 Reference cables are unbelievably good for the money. The balanced cables are at or near your price range depending on your timing and the level of discount offered by the manufacturer at the time.