20 amp cable for Shunyata hydra 8

How many people are using a shanyata cable for the 20 amp supply cord.

What are good options in the Price range of the Python Helix.

What type of sound differences do other cords make?

I use the Python, and am very happy with it. Wide, deep, black soundstage; excellent retrieval of low level detail. The nuances are soo obvious. Gentle brush strokes, you name it. Perfect match. Shunyata does ggreat with a whole system approach. Great products. I have the Hydra and Pythons throughout.
This goes back to the "good as the weakest link" theory.
If you have invested in a Hydra 8 and Shunyata cords why a lesser cord into the Hydra?

I use all Shunyata cord`s inc. 20amp into Hydra and now into V-Ray.

I would not want to put a lesser cord into the hydra. I have started with the Python helix.

This is my first experience with at any type of high end power conditioning. I am trying to be careful of how i proceed, so i don't waste alot of money.

I am curious whether people tend to stick to the shunyata cords for the input cord. Someone may have done a test, and found a cord within the same price range that may add a more detail or bigger sound stage.

I have noticed in other threads that people tend to try different cords from the shunyata to their pre-amp for example. They have noticed positive diferances. For this connection i will have a chance to Test a Python Helix from my dealer(with out having to buy the cable).