Can anyone explain cable risers?

Can anyone explain why cable risers do or dont work to improve the sound. Thanks.
Cable risers reduce structural vibration including seismic vibration. They also look cool.
I use cabe risers for one reason only. They dress up the wires running across the floor. I have wood floors so the only reason mentioned would not even apply in my case. I use antique glass power line insulators that I got on Ebay for about $2 EACH. So, in my case, for only $16 I dressed my cabless to my SO's satisfaction. I bi-wire (let's not get started on the effectiveness of that...) so it actually looks like mini power lines running just above the floor!

So, for me, the only reason is aesthetics.
Use cable elevators and mostly helps to keep dust bunnies from cables ( wood floors). Found them when helping a buddy tear down a wood shed after he bought resale home. No real sound improvement but less cleaning.
I couldn't hear any difference but they did dress up the wires, kept dust bunnies off the cables and because I used inexpensive foam elevators that stacked keep wires separated/organized around the racks.
When you guys say 'dress' the cables, I use that term to mean a way of routing the wires so they don't cross or run parallel to each other, and keep the power cables away from the low level signal cables. That's what I use these things for. Syntax, you are such a cynic, I find that my cars perform better if they are freshly washed. Go figure.... :)