Has anyone tried Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 RCA IC?

I have and it seems to work very well, at least as well as my other more expensive ICs. Has anyone else tried it?

I have some nice "high-end" speaker cables and power cords. I can hear the differences they make. I can also hear the differences of various damping tweaks. However, with RCA ICs, the BJC LC-1 seems to work just as well as my Reality Cable and Canary ICs, and is better than some other high-end ICs I tried.

I used to be a Beta tester for a guy who makes cryo'ed RCA ICs. I could hear the differences among various versions of his ICs. But a pair of $30 ICs is as good as these 10X more expensive? Did I miss anything?
Guys (and gals) I do also believe that there are some sonic differences in cables. For a few years I have been using silver interconnects in my system. They offered plenty of detail and a silky midrange, but at the expense of the lower midrange. That gut punching slam just isn't there. So, I am going back to copper to give it a try. I decided to take the BJC LC-1 a spin and for the price (60 bucks for 8ft) to connect my EAR 834-P phono-pre to my Korneff 45 SEi amp, it won't break my bank if it doesn't work out. There is plenty of positive posts out there to merit them a try-out.
I'm a big fan of BJC and have many pairs. I have long runs of ICs for the subwoofers, phono and surround. Money well spent. I have a preference for Signal Cable ICs though and have many pairs as well with Eichman RCA terminations. Also a bargain. All have a money back guarantee.
I had a pair of Black cat morpheus cables in my system for about a year and then swapped them out for the LC-1's and I immediately was dismayed by how much detail, sound stage etc was lost. I kept them in for a week but just could not take it anymore so I put in another pair of lower end Black cat LectraLine and they were so much better and almost as good as the Morpheus. Next up is a pair of Kimber Silver Streaks.

The LC-1's are back in my cable container available for an emergency.