need warm and LAID BACK hi-rez/focused power cord

I posted several months ago seeking recommendations for hi-rez, highly focused power cords in the tradition of the TG Audio Silver but with greater warmth or body. I did acquire a pair of Fusion Audio Enchanters and a VD Nite Platinum from the responses to my inquiry. However, after changes in amps, cd player, interconnects, and new Porter Ports, I find myself in need of advice again on the same matter. My system presently is: A Consonance Droplet 5.0 run directly into a Wyred 4 Sound ST 500 driving a pair of custom Legacy Focus clones using Eton drivers/midbass, metal dome mids & tweeters/NHT woofers. Both components are plugged into a PS Audio P 600 equipped with Porter Ports.
I have an Enchanter plugged into both the power regenerator and the CDP and a Wolff Gain with Oyaide Palladium/Gold plugs on the amp. Interconnects (balanced) are either Sunny Cables 1000's or Jungson Golden Dragons.
Speaker cables are Anti-Cables which I run directly into the speakers/crossovers bypassing binding posts.

My system is very detailed with very good focus and staggering dynamics. With good recordings, all is well and I'm quite satisfied. However, on some (many) recordings, horns, piano, and some guitar can some across aggressively. It has been recommended I replace the Oyaide plugs. Perhaps I will. What I would like are some recommendations on hi-rez, highly focused power cords that are to the laid back and warm side. I really liked the VD Nite Platinum but, it was too upfront for my system. Price is a factor in that I would like to spend $600 or less on the used market. Thanks in advance.
Hi Samhar I had heard some of the Purist cables were voiced in this manner. I may look for a Musaeus on the used market (hate getting my backside drilled on resale value after paying full price new). What higher ups have you heard in the Purist line that continue with this sonic signature? Thanks
A1 I don't know if a different power cord is THE solution but, I know that's where I'm willing to look first. I could change any component or cable and get closer or further to/from my ideal. All the variables you mention are certainly valid but I want to do something and I think moving around power cords is the easiest way given the satisfaction I feel with my other components/cables. I'm also open to trying a gold plated outlet or pulling the Oyaide palladium/golds and trying something else. I not the DIY type though so that option is less appealing. I think I'll see where this thread goes before I pursue that option. Thanks.
Hi, I have a PAD Aqueous Anniversary on the Calypso and thought it might not be what I'm looking for with the CDP's (maybe a little to big a presentation), the CD3 MKll is back in the system with the Calypso . The Musaeus had a similar effect with the CD3 MKll but to a slightly lesser degree. I'll get another Aqueous Anniversary P/C for comparison but I think I've got It right for now. FWIW I didn't expect the effect to be as big as it is and 180* from the VD David 2.0. I have used the VD in three different systems and it had a similar effects on all three, overly dynamic, big separations within the soundstage,fast attack fast decay and a little bright and thin.
one of the problems with using adjectives is that they may be open ended, lacking precision.

such words have no universally accepted definition.

experience of sound is so subjective that there is likely to be disagreement as to whether or not a prpduct can be described in a certain way.

i think the terms, "warm", "laid back", "hi rez" and "focus", need to be defined. i sense a combination of a desire for accuracy (focus) and coloration (warmth). such a combination is indeed not possible.
Evidently you aren't familiar with the sound we are discussing (lucky you!) or semantics wouldn't need to enter into the discussion deviating away from the OP's post and into some quadrant of your mind.

"i think the terms, "warm", "laid back", "hi rez" and "focus", need to be defined. i sense a combination of a desire for accuracy (focus) and coloration (warmth). such a combination is indeed not possible."

Sorry MR T in my system it is !!!