What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?


Cambridge 840A V2
Totem Staffs
Sony C555ES SACD player

Also, will an upgraded power cable give me better sound without making any other changes? If so, what is your suggested cable for these components?
I don't disagree with Dcrugby, and I should have stated something a little differently.

You may hear the difference between a stock power cord and a $200 after market power cord, but at this price point, and taking into consideration the price point of the integrated amplifier and Sony changer, I believe the better bang-for-the-buck would be derived from spending the $200 on a better amp or source (either purchased used).
I second the MAC(My Audio Cables) power cords. They can be had for less than $100 on Audiogon auctions. I have three of them in my system and they give my Lessloss Dynamic filtering power cord which is five times as expensive a good run for the money.
Thank you for these responses. What about an upgraded power cable with a 4 box? Analysis Plus, for example.
See if you can find a dealer with a loaner policy. Otherwise, you waste your money in not having an opportunity to 'hear' the differences.