What is the best power cable under $200.00 retail?


Cambridge 840A V2
Totem Staffs
Sony C555ES SACD player

Also, will an upgraded power cable give me better sound without making any other changes? If so, what is your suggested cable for these components?
See if you can find a dealer with a loaner policy. Otherwise, you waste your money in not having an opportunity to 'hear' the differences.
Audio Art Cable PC - out of PS Audio, NAT, Signal Cable andone other that I've had that escapes me it is the only one where I heard a difference
I think you will hear a big improvement.

I had a modest system in 2000 (Arcam Alpha 9 CDP, Arcam Alpha 10 integrated, Paradigm MiniMonitor II) when I first tried an after-market PC. My dealer lent me a Cardas Golden (not the Reference).

It improved the CDP no end, but the improvement on the integrated was slight. I ended up going with one of Bob Crump's cords - it made a big improvement on the integrated amp, and improved the CDP in a similar way to the Cardas.
