speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling

My system today is composed of pass labs xa30.5 amp and x1 pre amp and Tannot D700 speakers. All interconnect cabling is PAD Venustas (luminist rev). All power cabling is also PAD. Have LE to amp, and Canorus to pre. I'm thinking of trying some new speakers. I don't listen to music loud (mainly 8 - 10) on volume (out of 26). My music varies to everything but country ... sorry... lol
So i've noticed that my tannoy's seem harsh on top end, and would like a little more slam on low end.

Friend has Wilson Sophia's and loved them. Also liked magnepan, but not sure amp can power 3.7's.

price range target between 5-8k 2nd hand.

Anyways... thoughts.
I wouldn't base my choice of speaker on what type of cables you have. If you do a good job matching your components, you won't need to get expensive cables. I've owned speakers from both Wilson and Magnepan and they were OK. Actually, I still have a pair of Wilson's in my 2nd system. I can't tell you if you will like them, but I prefer Vandersteen. Overall, they work very well with Pass. Have a look at the Model 2 and 3's, and maybe the new trio. If you end up needing more bass, add a pair of their powered subs. The only thing I would caution is that with Vandersteen, opinions vary greatly. That's due mainly to people just getting their listening experience from reading reviews, as well as poor setup. Setup is critical if you want to hear what the speakers can really do. There's other good speakers, but that would be my first choice.
Focals work very well with Pass Labs amplifiers. I use a pair with my xa100.5's and like the combination very much.