speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling

My system today is composed of pass labs xa30.5 amp and x1 pre amp and Tannot D700 speakers. All interconnect cabling is PAD Venustas (luminist rev). All power cabling is also PAD. Have LE to amp, and Canorus to pre. I'm thinking of trying some new speakers. I don't listen to music loud (mainly 8 - 10) on volume (out of 26). My music varies to everything but country ... sorry... lol
So i've noticed that my tannoy's seem harsh on top end, and would like a little more slam on low end.

Friend has Wilson Sophia's and loved them. Also liked magnepan, but not sure amp can power 3.7's.

price range target between 5-8k 2nd hand.

Anyways... thoughts.
We had a pair of Wilson Watt Puppy 5.1's with a 30.5 for a long time and enjoyed it without regret.

Not familiar with your cables, but I can tell you the combination is magic. The 30.5 performed way better than it ought to! Significantly better than our X-250.5.

We used MIT Oracle cabling and a Meridian front end.

Enjoy your music, TJF.
Fsyme, I also have owned the XA30.5 and Pass preamps. These are a fantastic pair to begin with. You didn't define what qualities you like best in the sound but your mention of Wilson said a lot right there. I agree with Zd542 that set up is very important and I add that speaker toe in and tilt must be spot on to get pinpoint imaging. My cabling is good but far from the best (Gabriel Gold Rapture). I have found the Harbeth Super HL5's to be exceptional in rendering a very accurate soundstage, with huge depth, detail, holographic imaging and accurate tone. They've got just enough sweetness and warmth and are not fatiguing at all. Their sensitivity would compliment your 30.5 very nicely and they sound fantastic at any volume too.
would never have thought xa30.5 vs x250.5.. as many have said Wilson's need power. That said.. will give them a try. I'll see whats around Harbeth in Minneapolis.

Tks both for suggestions.
The XA30.5 is not the best option for Wilson Audio. Because they have a fast response. They work better with more amperes. I have owned the XA30.5, XA60.5, XA100.5, X250.5 and now the X350.5.

When you use a Purist Audio limited powercable the X250.5 will have a totally different sound compared during using another cable.

I always prefered the XA series, after I bought the Purist Audio Limited Edition it changed my thoughts. Because this powercable brings the mid fre. to a whole new level. Like your X series amp is sounding in the mid freq. like a XA series amp.
MIT is fully useless with Pass Labs. This is very easy to explain. The stage properties of Pass Labs is that the stage is wide and deep. But withing the big stage the individual focus of instruments is not sharp and realistic as it should be. So you need cables to adjust this. MIT have similar properties according to the stage.

In all the years that I visited a show often Pass Labs demos with MIT has nothing to do with realistic music. During a show I asked the person ( F. mongol) if Jacintha has a head of over 3 metres. So I asked him if she has a water head.

Audio is all about understanding music and each different property a tool owns. Because when you are not aware of these properties you never will understand what each tool does in your set!