LessLoss DFPC Signature

Has anyone compared the Signature version of these PC's to the original version? Can you describe difference in performance (if there is an audible difference). Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xnglazer
Dear Drubin,

If you would delete the words "positive" and "favorable" from your post, it would be true. But as it stands, what you have written above is untrue.

Louis Motek

I understand all your points. I am not fussed if the mfr. urges users who otherwise are pleased with the cords to report on their satisfaction on Audiogon, so long as they receive nothing of value for their positive reviews.

I was one of the purchasers who benefited from the LessLoss discount on the original cords. The deal was that you received the discount in return for writing a review; it was not conditioned on a POSITIVE review. I can understand, however, your frustration about having paid a higher price, but that can happen with any product and mfr.

And Cruzl23, I have heard all the lawyer jokes already. Got a new one?

Best to all.

I'm one of those who posted a favorable review of the Signature on this thread. I can tell you that Louis never asked me to write anything favorable. He *did* request that I post a review somewhere, but only after I'd bought the cable and enthusiastically reported to him how happy I was with it. Louis's words to me were "I don't want to know what you would write." Granted, Louis knew that I was a satisfied customer, but there's no impropriety in his request under those circumstances that I post a review. And I was happy to let others on audiogon know what I thought.
This a email that I sent Louis at Lessloss.

I was very torn in ordering these power cords as you know. I really thought the sound would change due to a shift at the top, bottom or mid-range, something would stick out better, but the house sound would still be there. Just more of this or that.

That had been my experience with power cords over the past 15 years or so, even when jumping to another brand. Yes better in some ways, no change in some ways, or not as good in other areas, thus feeling I moved sideways at best and regretting spending the money when all was said and done. Perhaps it was as good as it can get as far as power cords.

Well here are my profound thanks for encouraging me to try them. My impression is very positive to say the least, thank goodness.

I can say listening to a solo stand up bass, and piano the improvements really stood out without even trying to hear them. I find this sometimes the best way to listen to something new, keep it simple. I mean a huge improvement.

Silence between the piano notes, detail, rhythm, the flow and the feeling is much more apparent. The Stand up Bass, Detail, lighter, nimble and airy, yet really lots of impact when the lower frets are hit. Yet really clean down at the bottom with detail I never heard that low, the fingering just like you heard if he was in the room, delicate at times then the thud as he pulls the strings harder and goes really low.

I never heard this before in my current setup, that really pleased me, all the while piano just played along with perfect pitch and detail, no blur or confusion at any time.

Horns by the way also have a nice bite to them with the tone of brass, not aggressive at all yet, you know when they hit the high note, glare was gone, replaced by a instrument.

I listened to a few vocals, more body to them, yet more open and transparent. It almost sounds like everything has much less electronic edge to the total presentation, where before certain things honked (jumped out at you or caught you attention), now the presentation is even across the board. There is a balance there now. Perhaps much more refined would be the word; you relax more now while listening.

Yet the gear really has plenty of dynamics, I felt the sound waves in my chest at times on the standup bass, when he really dug down and tugged on the strings...detail was superb. I was impressed and I also did not have to play it loud to feel it.

The signatures are more laid back sounding yet more transparent and the dynamics have more ebb and flow to them. This sounds like small things but they really start adding which turns into a big improvement by high-end audio standard when you have a very refined system to begin with.

This is because everything is in balance now, no highlighting of certain areas of the presentation.

I cannot just say bass is improved, highs are better, or the mid-range shines, it all equally has well now, everything is better and the music carries a soul to it more, you feel it the emotional side to the performance.

There is also a silence to the presentation that is startling when you realize it. I thought the original power cord were quite.

They just do not sound different as I thought they would and like other power cords have done in the past. They have all that original power cord had (and they were not bad to begin with, but these improved upon them in everyway.

You told me to give them a try that your reputation is on the line; well you do not need to worry. These are really, superb. Nothing I have heard in the past or present as done more to make my system come together, it really is like adding a new piece of gear to your system that really made a big positive improvement, and as we know that is rare and hard to find at times.

My system as not changed too much from the time I purchased your first cords. Six months ago, I added a tube preamp to the mix. The McIntosh C2300.

This goes with the MC402 amp, and the wonderful Marantz SA7-S1 CD/SACD player along with my Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers.

All Interconnects are the MIT Balanced Oracle 3 2.2 interconnects along with the Kimber Kable Select 3035. A very simple but musical system.

With your Signature power cords, I now know what this system is capable of. I cannot ask for more than that.

Thank you for such a wonderful product that really let us hear what this hobby is about, the reproduction of music.


PS: I know some think that saying something nice about your product is due to discounts. This is not the case, I paid full price for every cable purchased from you.

If I did not like them, I would send them back ASAP. However, I am not, I will be sending back the original power cords. This upgrade program is a no brainer; I encourage everyone to consider doing so. I am glad I did, and as I said, I was nervous due to my experience.

Those who may be considering spending a grand or more for a power cord, I can tell you from experience that your money will be well spent buying the Signature power cord from Lessloss.
I bought an orignal and loved it. I upgraded to the signature, and was blown away. The signature does "more" of the same thing the original does - but at an amazing level. I own the latest Shunyata CX series cords, and have found them to sound best attached to my power conditioner and power amps. The LessLoss cables sound best on my preamp (not tube) and sources. It is a truly amazing experience to hear the signatures in action. I do believe however, you need a minimum of two to really open the system up, and see what happens. At the very minimum, one on your preamp, and one on the source you are using. They are expensive to me, so I have one designated as my "source cable", and move it around between them. THe one on thje preamp obviously stays. If you like the Original's characteristics at all, you absolutely must upgrade it to the Signature, it is remarkable. I was a Shunyta fanboy before I got the signature LessLoss - now I love them both :0